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How It Used To Be, How It Is Now

After I returned from my research trip to London, I made a short animation about one particular experience I had when I was there. In recalling the stories of my childhood, when my mother would tell me about her home and neighborhood that she grew up in (Abbeywood, London), I was interested in visiting her childhood home. This was a home that my mother's family lived in shortly after WWII up until they died in the 1970's. The garden of my mother's memories was a special place. Since the house has not been in our family since the late Seventies and my mother preferred to remember the house as she knew it, if I wanted to visit, it would be without her. I contacted the current owners and they invited me to tour the house with my sister (who acted as my guide since she remembered it as a child). It was a strange visit. I had never been to this house, but I had envisioned it many times. My older sister had many more memories as she had often gone to visit as a child. When we arrived, it was evident that there were numerous changes. Time had not been kind. There was hardly anything left that was reminiscent of my mother's time. I looked out the window of my mum's former bedroom; what once was a beautiful garden, now was a pile of dirt. Later, I had my mother make a memory drawing of the garden of her childhood. Taking some old  photos, my mum's drawing, and my recent photograph, I made this collage.

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    Superb Web-site, Keep up the fantastic job. thnx!
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    Response: 彩钢压瓦机
    灿烂却是近黄昏 每当心血来潮或在茶余饭后,总喜欢到那宽 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b30c1d750101ok20.html 敞的文字长廊里看看走走,让指尖 http://www.zcguandao.com 欣   然于方寸的键盘,把生活的点滴况味悬挂在文字长廊里的一隅。   夕阳西下,晚霞飞流,灿烂却是近黄昏。   晚饭后 一个人漫无目的的,只图享用这黄昏的清凉,欣赏夕阳的余晖装点出来的   壮丽。   绕过别墅,穿过草坪,是两处食肆露天大排档。食客们推杯换盏,酒杯上,   筷子落,杯杯先劝有钱人。   这里本来是个比较偏僻的地方,一条两车道的破 泡沫切割机 旧
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    How It Used To Be, How It Is Now - BLOG - Rachel Dawson Artist
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    How It Used To Be, How It Is Now - BLOG - Rachel Dawson Artist
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    How It Used To Be, How It Is Now - BLOG - Rachel Dawson Artist
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    How It Used To Be, How It Is Now - BLOG - Rachel Dawson Artist
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    How It Used To Be, How It Is

Reader Comments (1)

I thought this was incredible, the idea of breathing life into a memory. I was surprised by these personal feelings, since I have not even a remote connection to this place. Was this construction possible because the photo showed a barren garden? Would the collage evoke the same feelings had the garden been full of life? ... Wow.

June 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterClifton Jones

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